Its been quite a mix of weather this month with a trip to Marstrand with the RC44's and then on to Garda with the 20's. 

It was my first trip to Marstrand and it didn't take long to realise what a special place this was. We managed to arrive a few days early for a couple of days on the water training and mid summers weekend. What a fun weekend, great sailing and a fun social program. 

Racing started on the Tuesday with the match racing. Very light and tricky conditions which caused some problems, we walked away with 2 wins from 6 races which isn't great but a step forward again. The four days of fleet racing proceeded with some great sailing conditions. We had a slow start to the regatta really struggling to hold lanes but kept fighting on. On day three we won our first race this year and again on the final day with gusts of over 30 knots the crew did an amazing job to get us round the course first leaving us 5th Overall. We are making progress and getting better all the time, it was nice to be in the hunt in the final few races. 

After a late flight back to the UK on Saturday night I got back to Weymouth at 4am. Up at 8 I was pretty excited to get out moth sailing for the final day of the UK National's. After getting out to the race course I had a few problems with my ride height adjuster. I struggled to foil in the first two races, a bit the boat more my weight and the light winds! In the final race a solid 10-12 knots arrived and it was much easier to foil. Finally getting off the start line on the foils in the 70 boat fleet, I rounded 3rd and finished 4th which was a bit better for morale. Its a tough decision, I either have to loose a bit of weight or get some bigger foils to compete in the light stuff!

After a relaxing day at home it was off again, this time to Torbole with Stig for the 20s. It was a new venue for me, sailing at Torbole for the first time. Another great spot although I didn't enjoy being on the water at 7.30 for the morning breeze.

In the first race after a 8.30 start the wind shut down as we approached the leeward gate in 2nd, race abandoned and back to shore to wait for the afternoon breeze. It was a tricky regatta with big place changes in each race, we did a reasonable job of fighting back to leave us with 2nd overall. Another good result for Stig that gives us the lead of the series going in to the final event and European Championships next month.

Time now for a few weeks at home, its gorgeous weather but no wind........