Zhik team riders have dominated the latest ISAF Sailing World Cup leg in Palma! The regatta signals the start of the European circuit for sailors who are campaigning for the Rio 2016 Olympic and Paralympic Sailing Competitions and if the results are anything to go by it’s going to be an amazing year of Olympic sailing. Zhik riders amassed a heavy bag of 6 Gold medals spread among 5 different nations.

The 470 mens title was taken home by Croatian hotshots Sime Fantela and Igor Marenic, while the womens division was claimed by the ever impressive and current World Champions Jo Aleh and Polly Powrie from New Zealand.

Young gun Peter Burling also hailing from New Zealand, sailed his 49er home with crewmate Blair Tuke, while Giles Scott took his gold home for the Brits in the Finn class.

In the Lasers we saw the world number one Tom Burton from Australia cement his place at the top
and a return to the podium for Marit Bouwmeester and the Netherlands in her Laser Radial.

Congratulations to all the sailors on a terrific regatta and great results.