Congratulations to Giles Scott on winning the Finn Cold Cup in Gaeta, Italy over the weekend! The win is his third straight victory World Championships and alongside a previous win in 2011 Scott has now become the second most successful sailor in the Finn Gold Cup’s 60 year history – the most successful being none other than his Land Rover BAR team mate, Ben Ainslie.

“To win any World championship is massive, but to win one three months out from the Games is great. We have seen this event as a dry run, a peaking event, we came here not to test anything but to perform well and to be able to do that sends a bit of a message out,” said Scott.

"Zhik's latest hikers have been a real step in hiking comfort and efficiency. They offer optimum performance throughout the range for light, windy, warm and cold conditions.” 

 “Next up, I’m training in the UK before the Sailing World Cup [Weymouth and Portland] and then straight after that I’m heading out to Rio for a decent stint, about two weeks, then we go out before the Games trip in July.