Mike Krantz began working with Zhik while at Layline, which was then the representation for Zhik in the USA. More recently in June, however, he decided to leave Layline in order to put 100% focus on Zhik USA. 

“Zhik is on the cusp of some brilliant growth in the US market, and the Zhik USA opportunity is just fantastic. I decided it was time to take it by the horns and give it the presence it deserves. “ said Mike Krantz. 

Mike recently enjoyed a full  USA road trip with Pat Langley, senior sales manager from the Zhik head office. 

“We are looking good in America”, said Pat Langley, “the racing sailors are clearly choosing Zhik. This recent move by Mike is an endorsement of our potential.”

Zhik USA is set up as a warehouse point for full dealer support of all North America. 

"Increased levels of service and support to our dealer network is a high priority in our new set up", said Brian Conolly, managing director of Zhik. "We want all our customers to have easy access, prompt delivery, and flexible understanding from staff that are like-minded sailors themselves".

Picture : Mike Krantz. Working through the night in Zhik. On and off the water.