Closely following the Distribution agreement for Switzerland with Neuchatel based Bucher & Walt and the choice of Zhik as Technical Supplier of Swiss Olympic Sailing Team, Lake Geneva will see this week end the start of the D35 Catamaran 2011 Vulcain Trophy with 2 Zhik equipped contenders: CER Genève and Artemis Racing.   

Young ( most of the crew is below 25 ) Geneva’s CER Team, helmed by Jérôme Clerc and Zhik Moth Team Rider Arnaud Psarofaghis, will be absolute beginners in this high skilled Class. Their goal is to improve along the seven stages of the Trophy, ending in Antibes, France on the 25th of September, and reach some podiums.    

“ Competing with Multihull and America’s Cup superstars,  Michel Desjoyeaux, Foncia, and Ernesto Bertarelli, Alinghi, is a big challenge for us, said Jérôme Clerc, but after 3 weeks practising with the Alinghi crew in Geneva, we have the feeling we might surprise some... “   

CER Genève already got the front page with this “ Swiss Heli-Launching “ last month in Versoix.